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A HalloweenTale-- Your postal life may turn out like this if Michael Willadsen isn't elected.

1. Working conditions will continue to decline with barely a discouraging word heard.
2. Those who brought you DPS and scanning will be responsible for protecting us from future anthrax attacks.
3. On the job injuries will rise. Time will be saved by sweeping them under the rug.
4. Despite cuts in the budget and further automation, nonproductive employees (managers and bean counters) will continue to increase.
5. Poor managers will still be transferred not fired.
6. With the success of the DPS letters(?), the flats will be sequenced in the same manner.
7. Once flats are included in DPS, the starting times will be pushed back once more.
8. More scanning points will be added on an annual basis.
9. The Union will remain reactive not pro-active in nature.
10. Things will remain the same.

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