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Top Ten Reasons to Vote for Michael Willadsen for President of NALC:

1. Will fight harassment by management and to improve work room conditions.

2. Will resume fight for earlier start times.

3. Will press to eliminate unecessary scanning.

4. Won $800,000 grievance concerning improper route adjustments for Branch 86.

5. Carried DPS mail. Knows how it feels.

6. No carrier has been fired from his Branch the past 10 years.

7. Will improve training and support for the shop stewards the backbone of the union.

8. Will reign in expenses of national officers.

9. Too aggresive for some Branch leaders. (When was your last grievance lost
because your union representation was too aggressive?)

10. U.S. Navy Veteran 1975-79 (Honorable Discharge). Married since 1984 with 2 sons..

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Who will replace President Sombrotto of the National Association of Letter Carriers?

Since 1978 Vincent Sombrotto has been President of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). After 24 years he is retiring in December. For the first time in memory there will be no incumbent running. Instead, the 300,000 members of the NALC will be receiving ballots by mail with two new names listed: Michael L. Willadsen and William H. Young. If history is any indication there will be a turnout of under 100,000. These voters will determine who administers the $24 million annual budget and leads the 300,000 members of the NALC over the next four years.

The last time there was a contested election for President of the NALC was in 1994 when John Gaunce challenged Vincent Sombrotto . Prior to this election conventional wisdom predicted a 80% to 20%. Sombrotto victory. The theory held that anyone running against a popular incumbent like Sombrotto would pick up no more than the usual disgruntled vote of 20%. Any votes over this would be the true measure of the effectiveness of the challenger’s campaign. After a short but spirited campaign Sombrotto won by a margin of 70% to 30%. At the time this was viewed as a moderately successful maiden effort that provided a good foundation upon which to build future challenges. Unfortunately, John Gaunce passed away shortly after the election and his inroads faded over time.

The main problem facing a challenger like John Gaunce was how to get his name and message out across the country to the 300,000 members of the NALC. It had to be accomplished without access to a national membership list that contained the names, addresses, and phone numbers of active as well as retired carriers. To communicate with the voters he was left with two options: First, he could gradually expand his base of support through the use of word of mouth. Though this was an effective way to win an individual over, it was not an effective way to capture a large amount of voters in a short amount of time. The process was too cumbersome. Second, he could send his message directly to the carriers by direct mail. This was effective in getting the word out but not in closing the deal with the voter. It was also quite expensive (about $100,000 per mailing).

This year’s election promises to be different for a couple of reasons. First, Bill Young is not Vincent Sombrotto. He lacks Sombrotto’s name recognition, experience, connections, loyalties, stature and myth. To the vast majority of the 300,000 NALC members Bill Young will be just the other name on the ballot.


"I have known Michael for nearly 14 years now and know he can best represent all letter carriers, vigorously striving to improve the working conditions for today's city letter carriers.  His knowledge of labor history and his devotion to the working craft of this organization is unparalleled, and I am strongly endorsing his candidacy for President of the NALC." - James Rademacher,
                         President Emeritus - NALC

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Michael Willadsen's Web Site


A HalloweenTale-- Your postal life may turn out like this if Michael Willadsen isn't elected:
Postal Bottom Ten

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